
Hulkenberg to leave Haas to join Sauber at end of F1 season

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German Formula One driver Nico Hulkenberg at the garage for Haas. (Kym Illman/Getty Images)
German Formula One driver Nico Hulkenberg at the garage for Haas. (Kym Illman/Getty Images)
  • German driver Nico Hulkenberg will leave Haas and join Kick Sauber at the conclusion of the 2024 season.
  • Hulkenberg returned with Haas in 2023 and has had a decent season with four points so far in five races.
  • The 36-year-old will rejoin Sauber, who he previously raced for in 2013.
  • For more F1 news, visit our dedicated section

German Nico Hulkenberg will leave Haas to join Sauber at the end of the ongoing Formula One season, the two teams announced on Friday.

The 36-year-old returned as a regular driver in the sport after a three-year absence with Haas in 2023 and has impressed so far this season, scoring points finishes in three of five races.

"There's lots more racing to go this year so we look forward to continuing to benefit from his inputs throughout the remainder of the 2024 season," said Haas team principal Ayao Komatsu.

Hulkenberg will rejoin Sauber, who he previously raced for in 2013.

The Swiss team is set to become an Audi factory team in 2026.

"With his speed, his experience and his commitment to teamwork, he will be an important part of the transformation of our team - and of Audi's F1 project," said Sauber and Audi F1 CEO Andreas Seidl.

Hulkenberg has lined up for more than 200 races in F1 but is yet to post a podium finish, although he did take pole position for the 2010 Brazilian Grand Prix while with Williams.

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