
PHOTO | Lee Thompson welcomes puppy to the family

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Lee Thompson. (Photo: Getty/Gallo Images)
Lee Thompson. (Photo: Getty/Gallo Images)

SA's first Bachelor Lee Thompson has introduced to the world the newest member of his family.

"Welcomed to the Family '..... Thompson'," Lee captioned a photo of himself holding his new puppy. 

He also asked his 72 000 followers for name suggestions, for his Chow Chow puppy.  

Some of the suggestions from fans included Gemma, Cleopatra, Buffy, Sushi, Nala and Cove.

Lee recently enjoyed a getaway with his girlfriend, who he is yet to introduce to the world. (read the full story here

Previously speaking to Channel24, Lee confirmed that he is off the dating market saying that his partner wishes to remain anonymous for now. He said: "She is a doctor, very beautiful, nurturing, kind and so easy to be around."

ALSO READ | 8 ladies from The Bachelor SA who found love after the show aired

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