
Celebs rally around Kevin Spacey as he battles to find work even after acquittal for sexual assault

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Kevin Spacey, who has faced several sexual misconduct allegations over the years, is getting support from his celeb friends. (PHOTO: Gallo images/Getty Images)
Kevin Spacey, who has faced several sexual misconduct allegations over the years, is getting support from his celeb friends. (PHOTO: Gallo images/Getty Images)

Celebrities in Hollywood are banding together to support Kevin Spacey, pushing for his comeback after he was acquitted of sexual harassment charges nearly a year ago.

Sharon Stone, Liam Neeson, Stephen Fry, F Murray Abraham and Sir Trevor Nunn are just some of the big names advocating for him.

"He is a genius. He is so elegant and fun, generous to a fault and knows more about our craft than most of us ever will,” Sharon said.

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