People's Post

Department addresses road safety concerns in District Six

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Learners crossing the road in Hanover Street.PHOTO: KAYLYNNE BANTOM
Learners crossing the road in Hanover Street.PHOTO: KAYLYNNE BANTOM
  • The Western Cape Mobility Department said it is conducting assessments at some of the schools to “determine the establishment of a scholar patrol”.
  • People’s Post recently reported on a lack of scholar patrol and teacher supervision when primary school learners use the pedestrian crossing in Hanover Street 
  • A spokesperson for the Western Cape Mobility Department says scholar patrols are established, based on the specific needs of a school and the viability

Following recent learner road safety concerns raised by a few parents in District Six, the Western Cape Mobility Department said it is conducting assessments at some of the schools to “determine the establishment of a scholar patrol”.

People’s Post recently reported on a lack of scholar patrol and teacher supervision when primary school learners use the pedestrian crossing in Hanover Street.

The crossing is utilised by learners from four primary schools in the vicinity.

Muneera Allie, the spokesperson for the department, said scholar patrols are established, based on the specific needs of a school and the viability as engineering and the safety of learners play a vital role in determining whether it is safe to establish a patrol on a specific road.

“An assessment is therefore initially conducted. If the assessment is positive that a scholar patrol can be established, the department’s road safety management team will commence with training the allocated scholar patrol, as nominated by the school, and register the scholar patrol.

“The scholar patrol then gets activated after the training and receipt of relevant equipment to ensure the safety of pupils.”

READ: Lack of supervision raises concerns as learners dodge traffic on busy road in District Six

According to Allie, Holy Cross RC Primary School no longer has a scholar patrol as the school undertook for this to be attended to by its Parent Teacher Association (PTA).

She explained that the department’s road safety management team will conduct an assessment at Walmer Estate Primary School later this month to determine the establishment of a scholar patrol.

Allie added that following an assessment at Zonnebloem Boys’ Primary School, scholar patrol equipment will be delivered soon after which training will take place.

Allie explained that parents, who are willing to volunteer their time to become involved with the scholar patrol, can contact the respective schools.

“Scholar patrols are registered with the relevant school, with learners often being identified for the training and under the supervision of teachers, who are also trained. Parents can get involved through their schools, and also need to be included for registration and training as part of the school’s scholar patrol.”

She added: “The department’s road safety management team provides assistance to establish registered scholar patrols, equip such patrols and provide the necessary training.

“Audits are also conducted to ensure these scholar patrols meet the requirements.”

Millicent Merton, a spokesperson for the Western Cape Department of Education, explained that schools and the department are involved in various initiatives to ensure road safety around schools, in partnership with local authorities and other agencies.

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